Wednesday, December 31, 2014


Last post for 2014. Here's to a great 2015, to new beginnings, and good feelings all around. Now, as tradition says, to blow shit up to bring in the new year. And we got the good stuff too.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014


Cool pixel art game coming out soon. Looks pretty good. Since you can made sprites for it, I made me. Because vanity.

Sure, why not?

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Holi-Dazed and Confused

Aren't people supposed to be nice and friendly this time of year?

I work in retail. It's painful to watch how rude people can be to those that are there to help them. They don't care about others. They don't care about anything but their own little worlds. Just some of the stupidest things happen before my own eyes.

I watched a man yell at a retail associate because the store was out of a specific item. It's not their fault that you're Christmas shopping 5 days before Christmas. You expect to find that $299.99 laptop a full 6 days into the sale? Good luck, Ass-Hat.

I got yelled at by a woman in a store I don't even work in for not helping her find out if they had a specific tablet. After the third time explaining to her that I do not work there in a total of 10 minutes, she finally realized I was telling the truth.

I watched a pastor for a church go into a store, present his tax-exempt card, and request 30 tablets, using the money from his church. Money given to him by the members of the church. And all of the tablets are going to the members' children. So, the members paid for their own gifts to their children. That man spent over $1800.00 on tablets. I heard him mention that he bought a ton of blu-ray players and Wii's as well, just for them. Did I mention this was money given to him by the parents of the gift receivers?

Moral of today's rant? Be nice to the store associates. They're there to help, and they're probably more stressed than you are right now. Your insignificant gift hunting is nothing compared to their having to deal with hundreds of assholes a day; Being yelled at, threatened, cussed out, all in a day's work. You're not better than them. Stop your temper tantrums, stop your complaints. If they look unhappy, it's probably because they're tired of being treated like crap.

"Oh no, not again!" - A Bowl Of Petunias; The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy (Douglas Adams)

Saturday, December 20, 2014

The Death of Sony, As Told By An On-Looker

I sit here and I start to wonder the goings-ons of the world, and always notice how stupid it really is out there. Let me start by saying, I work in technology. I try to ignore the media and news when it comes to daily reports, as I hate seeing constant downers. "19 children killed in terrorist attack", "Random Person #1 died today of poisoning.", all of it sucks. Even the happy ones have turmoil along with it; "Gas and oil prices at lowest point in years, BUT airline prices sky-rocket!"

But, some things just are too stupid to not penetrate my apathetic barrier. It begins with a single word: Sony.

Sony was founded originally, just after World War II, in 1946. An small electronics company inside of a department store. Simple origins, big success. Hell, I grew up with Sony. What, with Playstation, and Televisions of my childhood, all the way to Blu-Rays and one of my own monitors. They've affected all of us, whether by products they've made, movies or games they've produced, or technologies they've founded. So, before I really begin, let me start here: I like Sony.

Hackers have been on the rise in recent years. You can't go 2 months without hearing of some sort of DDOS attack, leak of information, or mass shut down. I've seen hacking done for the greater good, and some for the worst of reasons. Hacker groups used to be a cool villain in old 80s and 90s movies/shows, and now they've become real, hacking corporations and websites like Staples, Target, Home Depot, and even the US government sites. Celebrities get their private pictures stolen, credit card information gets put out on lists and put on the web, and innocent people get every aspect of their life put onto the net to abuse for fun. It's stupid and really shows where civilization is heading.

Sony decided to make a movie, called The Interview. You've probably heard about this entire scandal now. It involves North Korea, the death of their leader, and what appears to be normal Seth Rogan stoner humor. North Korea said not to let it premiere, Sony ignored it, and supposedly, North Korea hacked every aspect of their business, including e-mails, finished movies not yet released, and so much information about their business and other businesses' secrets that they radiate around, like Marvel. This sucked for them. Bad. More than you think.

As an avid gamer, I've had my eye on Microsoft and Sony for years, but, also specifically, in the recent couple years of the newest generation. Sony had been thought of as King of the war this Holiday season, and then BAM! XBox One swoops in for the kill, overtaking Sony domestically very recently.

As a movie lover, comic book geek, and sci-fi fan, I was excited for Amazing Spider-Man, and its sequel. The first one was tolerable, especially after the atrocious Emo-Flip-Dance-Scene of Spider-Man 3. Amazing Spider-Man 2 was noticeably lower-grade, and it showed in their box office numbers. Hell, It was the first Spider-Man movie I hadn't personally bought for my own collection, and I own X-Men 3, Constantine, and both Fantastic Four movies. That's saying a lot.

Sony is on a downward slide. It sold off the Sony Vaio line of computers, due to what appears to be loss of money, it's only real big geek movie franchise is failing, and it's rival in video games is beating its' ass. It does have Blu-Ray still, and they can get by on just licensing alone. Their TVs are among the best, but with Samsung coming in for attack, it's only a matter of time. Sony is dying.

This hack came at the worst possible time. All of their secrets revealed. Spider-Man in talks of going back to Marvel, 21 Jump Street getting a Men in Black cross over, Ghostbusters spin off? What the hell, man? Are you kidding? Their secrets only told us one thing and that's that they are in trouble.

New information gets leaked every day from their big hack. Secrets, both minute and massive. Things that will cost them money. Lots of it. And they bowed to North Korea and/or the hackers. They let themselves get stepped on and pushed around. Sony is at its weakest, and things looks grim. Saying this as a fan of Microsoft, I do hope Sony wins this time. They need to keep afloat this generation to survive. They need a win.

"My fault -- all my fault! If only I had stopped him when I could have! But I didn't -- and now -- Uncle Ben -- is dead..." - Peter Parker (Earth 616; Marvel Comics)

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Hot and Steamy

How the hell did I get this game?

Seriously, I'm nonchalantly sifting through my Steam collection, and BAM! The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is apparently in my collection. As I type this, I find another... Company of Heroes 2. And another: Magicka: Wizard Wars. Holy balls! If I knew I owned these, I'd have been playing them.

On the opposite spectrum, I'm finding games I don't even recognize at all in my collection. Solar 2, Nosgoth, BRAZEN, Superfrog HD? News to me. Never heard of 'em.

Maybe I'm losing it.

On a separate note, I decided to start some online courses, since I crave knowledge. I got a great bundle deal online to re-teach myself HTML and CSS. I just got to the classic "Hello World!" part and it brought back memories of high school.

Hopefully, by the end of this, I'll know HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, Java, Javascript, and MySQL. I can't even tell you what I had for breakfast yesterday.

Who am I kidding? I lost it years ago.

“But I don’t want to go among mad people," Alice remarked."Oh, you can’t help that," said the Cat: "we’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad.""How do you know I’m mad?" said Alice."You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn’t have come here.” ― Lewis CarrollAlice in Wonderland

Friday, December 12, 2014

Hello Cruel World!

Call me Chime.

I guess this is where I will muse and banter whenever I feel the need or necessity to.

I am a 26 year old male, with several unique skills and talents, including computers, culinary arts, and sales/marketing. Oh, the sales. I'm charming, passionate, and incredibly charismatic. I'm outgoing, cocky, obnoxious, and sarcastic. I'm also, probably, among the nicest, friendliest do-gooders you'll ever meet. I'm complicated, deep, genuine, and should have grown up to be an educator of our youth.

I'm Buddhist, a pacifist, and wouldn't dare hurt another. Yet, I love weapons, including blades of all kinds, and grew up being able to shoot a gun.

I'm a true geek among men. Gamer, comic book enthusiast, movie buff, sci-fi fan, trivia nut, and interested in science. Browncoat, Star Warsie, True Believer, Shellhead, Sherlockian, Ringer, Towel-Toting Hitchhiker, Pokemon Trainer, to name a few.

I suppose that's my short-but-sweet introduction. I leave you today with a quote, as I will often do:

“All through my life I've had this strange unaccountable feeling that something was going on in the world, something big, even sinister, and no one would tell me what it was.""No," said the old man, "that's just perfectly normal paranoia. Everyone in the Universe has that.” -Arthur and Slartibartfast; The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy (Douglas Adams)